Shockwave Therapy
What is shockwave therapy?
Radial shock waves are acoustic waves introduced into the body by means of a transmitter and hand piece. These waves move through the body in an outward motion from the point of contact.
The point of contact will be moved throughout your treatment to cover the entire pain region. Radial shockwaves are often referred to as radial pressure waves, which is the correct definition in physical terms because it best describes how the waveform moves through the body.
How does shockwave therapy work?
When introduced into the tissue, shock waves and pressure waves have effects on a cellular level that are beneficial for healing. Increased blood flow and the formation of new blood vessels create an improved environment for tissue repair.
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The waves are said to promote the body’s natural regeneration process of bones and soft tissues through the kinetic energy of the device which is created by compressed air, the frequencies can be transferred from the end of the applicator into the patient’s tissue.
It has further been shown that the application of shock waves influences the body’s pain regulating mechanisms resulting in local pain relief.

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Common conditions treated using shockwave:
- Achilles tendon and heel pain
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis (heel spur)
- Knee and shin pain
- Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s / runners Knee)
- Tibial edge syndrome (shin splints)
- Elbow and arm pain
- Forearm muscles
- Epicondylitis (tennis or golfer elbow)
- Shoulder and neck pain
- Chronic neck and shoulder pain
- Back pain
- Tendinosis Calcarea (calcific tendinitis)
- Low Back Pain (lumbago pain)
Will shockwave therapy definitely help me?
Slight discomfort is normal. Treatment is over within minutes and patients report being able to tolerate discomfort due to the short period.
How many treatments will I need?
This depends on the tissue response, and with the treatment being cumulative you’ll typically need anywhere between 3-5 rounds of treatment. Patients report significant relief after their first treatment.
How often will I need treatment?
This depends on your tissue response and tolerance. Anywhere between 3-5 treatments are needed and are performed between 3-10 days apart.
Will I feel pain after the treatment?
Patients report immediate pain relief after their first treatment. However, within a few hours of treatment, you may experience slight soreness. It’s been reported tolerable and will not hinder any day-to-day activity.
Are there any restrictions after the treatment?
We highly recommend refraining from vigorous physical activity, especially if it involves the treated area for up to 48 hours after your session.
Is it Clinically Proven?
Absolutely. Shockwave Therapy is clinically proven and well approved by the top orthopaedic hospitals, and used by well established professional sports bodies including: • English Institute of Sport • UK Athletics • Welsh Rugby Union • Premier League Football Clubs It has both NICE guidance and FDA approval for a large number of indications. Shockwave Therapy enforced by qualified therapists is a largely risk-free and side-effect-free process of treating musculoskeletal conditions and chronic pain.