Human Tecar Therapy
Swiftness, accuracy, precision, safety.
The Human Tecar MO guarantees results that are all of this.
An avant-garde new technology applied in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, its natural testing ground has been the world of high-level sports.
Today, Human Tecar is widely used in a variety of fields, such as
conservative treatment, post-surgery rehabilitation, venous and lymphatic diseases, and for treating
stress-related afflictions.
How does it help?
- Intense functional stimulation of the peripheral circulatory system
- Straightaway restores balance, muscle tone and strength
- Swift recovery of mobility
- Drastic analgesic and anti-inflammatory action
- Draining actionat tissue level

A better you, everyday
Common conditions treated using Human Tecar Therapy:
- Muscle Problem
- Pain Relief
- Moisture Discharge (Decrease Swelling)
- Restoring Joint Mobility
- Relaxation / recovery treatment after a great effort (for example the marathon)
- Specific complaints such as
- Acute and chronic tendon complaints
- Runners Knee
- Shin Splints
- Ankle Sprain
- Heel Spur