Massage Therapy
Massage therapy consists of the manipulation of your body’s soft tissue for the purpose of relieving pain or body stress. It has numerous benefits such as reducing pain, muscle soreness and stress while increasing blood circulation, lowering the heart rate and promoting relaxation. For an active individual that engages in regular physical activity, massage therapy can be valuable for improved performance. It is advised to get a massage once ever 1-2 weeks to ensure you eliminate the negative effects of stress and pain on your body and mind.
With various types of massage therapy available to suit varied client needs, our qualified professional therapists will guide you on the ideal type and frequency in line with your body’s requirement, function and response.
A better you, everyday
Much more than just relaxation…
- Reflexology
- Deep Tissue
- Sports Massage.
- Swedish.
- Aromatherapy
- Myofascial release